Sights and sounds from the Podcast of Ice and Fire fan event in Osuna


Just this past Saturday, a record number of European Game of Thrones and Song of Ice and Fire fans gathered in Osuna, Spain, probably best known to the Game of Thrones fandom at large as the site of the Plaza de Toros, where HBO filmed the attack on Daznak’s Pit in “The Dance of Dragons.”

Good times.

Anyway, the fans were officially there to mark the recording of the 200th episode of Podcast de Hielo and Fuego, a Spanish-language podcast all about A Song of Ice and Fire. But there were all kinds of fun activities planned. Los Siete Reinos chronicled a lot of them. Have a look!

Things kicked off with a concert from the from the Municipal Conservatory of Music of Osuna, who performed several iconic tunes from the series:

I will never not well up a bit at “Goodbye Brother.”

The actual recording of the podcast was well-attended:

Later, the fans played a zombie survival game, with White Walkers stalking the halls in search of living victims:

No fans were harmed in the playing of this game.

Also kudos on the Night King outfit. That thing is serious:

There was lots of great cosplay at the event. Here, queens and princesses put aside their differences to share the Iron Throne:

Lyanna Starks of the world, unite!

Below, a gaggle of Night’s Watchmen take their sacred vow:

Even George R.R. Martin showed up, more than once:

And also there was a giant:

Welcome back, Wun Wun.


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The fans also shared a dinner, visited the Game of Thrones exhibit in the Osuna Museum, and participated in a raffle. It looks like everyone had an blast!

Head to LSR for even more images. And if you’re interested in going to Con of Thrones, the biggest Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire convention stateside, head here.

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