Are you looking for something to fill the void that Westworld has left behind? We got a list of 5 movies that are just like it!
Westworld is so unique that it’s hard to find something exactly like it, but worry not, the world of sci-fi, hosts, robots, and everything in between has plenty to offer that will at the very least mimic the vibes of the iconic HBO series.
Whether you’re looking for insight into the future and what technology could lead us to, or just looking for anything that will have you theorizing and predicting like Westworld causes us to do, we have a few suggestions for you!
If we miss any movies below (because there are just so many to pick from), be sure to share them in the comments so we can make sure to get to them next time around!
So grab your popcorn, get comfortable, and check out our list, as seen on The Thrillist!

Did anyone catch this 1976 flick that was a followup to the 1973 original Westworld film? This is probably the most like any other movie or show considering it is linked directly to the original. The story picks up about two years after the events of the original film where a robot went rogue and shot through the park’s labs.
The sequel shows Delos back in action and focusing their efforts on cloning world leaders with their technology. Basically, this is the movie version of what we saw taking place in Westworld season 2 except they’re trying to clone leaders. Talk about creepy!
If you’re trying to catch this flick, head to Amazon Prime and tell us what you think about the sequel as they dive into Futureworld!

The Nolan brothers gave us this space flick back in 2014, with Jonathan Nolan writing, and Christopher Nolan directing. Starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway, Interstellar is about a NASA pilot that gets stuck in space and a series of unexplained and strange events take place that throws viewers for a loop as the narrative gets more complicated and magical.
While the movie isn’t Western-themed like Westworld, there is something deeper and intricate about the story and the characters just like the series. There is, of course, the sci-fi element and the fact that there are otherworldly situations taking place, and it is a movie that will have you wondering and theorizing throughout the whole movie.
If you haven’t seen the movie or want to see it again, head to Amazon Prime!

Ex Machina
Before Dolores was leading the robot revolution in Westworld, there was Alicia Vikander’s portrayal of a fembot in Ex Machina. This movie has it all–robots, artificial intelligence, and a futuristic world all thanks to Alex Garland.
Similar to William, Domhnall Gleeson’s character (a computer whiz) goes to a robot compound owned by Oscar Isaac’s character (a rich tech titan) where he is exposed to robots galore. Vikander’s fembot character, Ava, starts to gain consciousness and begins to rebel much like Dolores in Westworld. And the rest is history, and we know how the story goes from there.
There is a lot that is comparable to Westworld, but Ex Machina stands out on its own and is worth the watch simply because of its stellar cast, and incredibly addicting story.

Oh, yes, Her. This Joaquin Phoenix film gave us an insight into technology nothing like ever has before. In a time where we rely heavily on our phones and devices such as Alexa, we often can’t imagine our lives without it. Her follows the story of a man who has a relationship with the intelligence within his technology.
You’ll find yourself perplexed by the idea of Phoenix’s character striking up such a real friendship with this unseen character, but that is the purpose of the movie–to show us the reliance we have on the advancement of technology.
Similar to Westworld and the story told in the series, Her seeks to tell a similar story and shows how often reality and technology muddle into one, and how problematic it can become.

Blade Runner 2049
The sequel to the original Blade Runner came out in 2017 and followed the events that took place in the aftermath of it–specifically 25 years later. As a Replicant starts to become more aware and conscious (hello, Westworld), things start to get complicated and confusing for him.
Between the stunning cinematography, visual effects, and a futuristic depiction of Los Angeles, there is so much to love about Blade Runner and how it reminds us of Westworld. In fact, one of our writers wrote intricately about a theory involving the Man in Black and Blade Runner, which you can read here.
Are there any movies we missed? Are there any that you disagree with? Share your comments below or on our Twitter, @BeyondWestworld. We’d love to hear what you have to say!