Which seven Game of Thrones characters should Jon Snow name to his Kingsguard?

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Theon Greyjoy: An experienced warrior who would swear his Kingsguard vows in the sea before the Drowned God

Of all the characters on Game of Thrones, Theon Greyjoy may have changed the most since the series began. As a ward of Ned Stark, Theon grew up with Robb Stark and Jon Snow, as well as the rest of the Stark children at Winterfell. When Robb marched on King’s Landing, Theon was the first to stand by his side in battle, and he was Robb’s most trusted companion…until he betrayed that trust and sacked Winterfell after being shamed by his father Balon.

Branded a turncloak, Theon was tricked, captured, and mercilessly tortured by Ramsay Bolton, who gave him the name Reek. It wasn’t until Theon saw the brutality Ramsay was inflicting on Sansa Stark that he remembered his name and helped her escape Winterfell.

Theon is far from over the trauma he suffered at Ramsay’s hands. He’ll probably never fully get there, but over the past two seasons he’s emerged as a braver and stronger man, thanks in part to the faith showed in him by his sister Yara, and in part to the forgiveness Jon offered him on Dragonstone.

Hopefully, Theon will rescue Yara from the clutches of his uncle Euron and help establish her as the ruler of the Iron Islands. After that, the last thing he will have to do to complete his path to redemption is serve another Stark…or Jon Snow, who’s close enough. And this time, he won’t betray his king’s trust.

In addition, Theon will also have some loyalty to Daenerys, since she made a deal with Yara to put her on the Salt Throne of the Iron Islands. As with any group, it’ll be healthy to have a mix of perspectives on the Kingsguard.