Which seven Game of Thrones characters should Jon Snow name to his Kingsguard?

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Tormund Giantsbane: A fierce warrior who would swear his Kingsguard vows in front of a weirwood tree and the Old Gods of the North

Is there any other man in the Seven Kingdoms and beyond you’d want protecting you and your family more than the tall-talking husband to bears, Tormund Giantsbane? After the Night’s Watch defeated Tormund at the Battle for Castle Black in season 4, he and Jon began a long-lasting friendship. At Hardhome, Tormund even stood up before his people, people who had been taught to fear the Crows from birth, and convinced them to trust the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Later, when Jon was murdered by mutineers, Tormund and his wildlings came to the rescue, ensuring that the men loyal to Jon were not killed by Alliser Thorne and his lackeys. Had Tormund not intervened, Jon never would have been resurrected.

Tormund has stuck with Jon through thick and thin, whether he’s convincing his fellow wildlings to help Jon take back Winterfell or accompanying the King in the North on a fool’s errand to capture a wight north of the Wall. He’s tough, deadly and loyal. He’s perfect for Jon’s Kingsguard. Plus, having a wildling on the Kingsguard will ease tensions between the people of the North and the wildlings south of the Wall. Jon has always believed in united people of different backgrounds for the greater good.