Which seven Game of Thrones characters should Jon Snow name to his Kingsguard?

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“Dolorous” Eddison Tollett: A veteran member and acting Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch who would swear his Kingsguard vows in the light of the Seven

Look, there’s no easy way to say this: Edd knocked the Wall down while Jon was gone. Well, not really; that honor belongs to the Night King and Viserion. But it happened on Edd’s watch. He’s probably making a quip about his crappy luck right now.

Edd has been a companion to Jon Snow for years, and the two grew closer as the show went on. When Jon was murdered, it was Edd who stood vigil over his fallen friend and summoned Tormund and the wildlings to help secure the castle. When Jon was resurrected, they two shared one of the show’s most memorable bro hugs, complete with wise crack. There’s no mistaking that Edd is one of Jon’s few friends.

Before the show is over, we expect the living to defeat the dead, meaning there will be no more use for the Wall or the Night’s Watch. However, it would be smart to give Edd a place on the Kingsguard to honor the organization’s centuries of service. It would also help calm Northerners upset about Tormund’s conclusion. Edd has never shown himself to be a great fighter, but he’s intelligent, and his political value to the Kingsguard makes up for his lacking of battle prowess.