Westworld: How is the show perceived in other parts of the world?

Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations

Westworld has become a phenomenon since it’s premiere in 2016–but is it popular in all parts of the world?

As a Beyond Westworld writer from Kenya, I can only speak on my part of the world, but this question applies on a global level as well. Many don’t really know about Westworld where I’m from and it could be because of technology advancement issues and the simple fact that the show’s marketing is not really focused on this side of the world.

As a result, many have missed out on the amazing ride that the first two seasons have taken us on and people can’t love what they do not know, right? Secondly, there is also the lack of understanding of how the filmmaking process works and so Westworld’s unconventional style of storytelling is simply not appreciated.

There is a resistance to watching something that requires an extensive amount of time thinking and understanding what is going on in the complex plots of the series. Many simply do not give it a chance to see what a rare and entertaining experience it is.

Finally, like many science fiction films and television shows, Westworld too is a victim of this misguided notion that sci-fi is too unrealistic to be watched by an adult audience. This logic is not just limited to the adult audiences either as many from the younger generation are in agreement too. This greatly impacts the number of people watching and reduces the viewerships in some parts of the world.

As I stated earlier, these are the reasons I have personally experienced living in Kenya, but I’m certain many of you can relate in some way or another based on where you live in the world. Whatever the case may be, Westworld is a show that everyone should check out because it’s not just a show to watch–it’s an experience.

Can you relate to some of the thoughts shared about watching Westworld in other parts of the world? Share in the comments below or on our Twitter, @BeyondWestworld.