Comics legend Stan Lee, the creator of iconic Marvel characters like Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four and the X-Men, died on Monday. It’s fair to say that the entertainment world would be a very different place if not for his work, and several industry titans have taken out ads in The Hollywood Reporter to honor his legacy and mourn his legacy. One of the most effecting comes from the cast of The Avengers, yet another of his creations:
Even if fans weren’t familiar with Lee’s work in comics, they probably know his face, since he made cameos in pretty much every movie and TV show based on his work spanning from the late ’80s to now. With the Marvel Cinematic Universe more popular than it’s ever been, that’s a lot of exposure.
And even though Lee is gone, we still have a couple of cameos to look forward to, at least according to Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige. “I’m not going to tell you what specifically, but Stan always appreciated a good surprise,” he told Variety.
As for which movies we can expect to see him in, keep a lookout when you’re watching Captain Marvel, which is out in March of 2019, and Avengers 4, which hits theaters in May. He’s also set to appear in non-Disney Marvel films like Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, from Sony. He even has a cameo in Wreck-It Ralph 2, out next week.
As for how Lee could appear in movies with release dates still so far out, he thought ahead. “Stan, typically we try to get him out, he doesn’t love to fly, so we try to get him out for his cameos around the same time,” Avengers: Infinity War co-director Joe Russo told the BBC earlier this year. “So if we have other movies shooting on the same lot that we’re on, for instance Ant-Man [And The Wasp] or Avengers 4; we group his cameos together and then move him from one set to the next and get him through his cameos in one day.”
Lee will be missed. Even DC Comics, long Marvel’s rival, took out an ad to honor his contributions:
And one from Margaret Loesch, the former head of Fox Kids, which ran X-Men: The Animated Series back in the ’90s:
Rest in peace, Stan Lee.
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h/t The A.V. Club