A Song of Dan and Josh: Catelyn XI (A Game of Thrones)


It’s been a couple weeks, but Josh Hill and I are back with a new episode of A Song of Dan and Josh, the show where we walk through each and every chapter of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels, spreading around insight. Dive in.

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This week, we’re looking at the penultimate chapter of A Game of Thrones, the first book in Martin’s saga. It’s Catelyn XI. Roll the tape!

This chapter is transitional, but far from disposable. Here are a few of the topics we hit:

  • The heart of this chapter is a meeting between the lords of the North and the lords of the Riverlands, to decide what to do next in the war against the Lannisters. Should Robb bend the knee to Renly? Or to Stannis? Or perhaps he should sue for peace? What ultimately happens, and was it the best outcome? Is Robb repeating the mistakes of his father?
  • This chapter is full of memories of Catelyn, who returns to her childhood home of Riverrun. How does Martin lay in things that will become important later?
  • Then there’s Riverrun itself, which gets richly described. Why does Martin linger on descriptions like this?

We have only have chapter of A Game of Thrones left: Daenerys X. Watch us dissect it live on our Facebook page this upcoming Wednesday, December 5 at 4:00 p.m. CST.

Next. A Song of Dan and Josh: Jon IX (A Game of Thrones). dark

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