30 greatest Doctor Who companions of all time

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Who are the 30 greatest Doctor Who companions of all time? Who takes the number one spot? Is it someone from the modern or the classic series?

The Doctor has had many companions during his travels, undergoing many adventures and seeing many different worlds. Wherever The Doctor goes, you can expect his or her companion not too far behind. But who are the greatest Doctor Who companions of all time?

Looking back all the way to the classic series up to our present day modern series companions, it’s time to explore the 30 greatest Doctor Who companions of all time.

This list will take us up to our present day Doctor, Jodie Whittaker. However, none of her companions will be considered, and that’s not because they aren’t good. From what we have seen so far, they all bring something new and different to the table, but they haven’t had a long enough run yet to properly decide where the should be placed among previous companions.

If we missed any companions you think deserved to make the list, let us know in the comments section!

Ok, so it’s time to get started. Sit back, grab some popcorn, and get ready to see the 30 greatest Doctor Who companions of all-time according to this one Whovian.

Next. 30. Adric. dark