Westworld: The silliest questions that need to be addressed

Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations
Westworld Season 2, Episode 10
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations

A show like Westworld raises some very silly, yet important questions. And we are here to discuss them!

Westworld is a top-notch, critically-acclaimed series with a complicated plot and storyline. It is a very serious, mind-bending show, which leaves very little room for comedy and humor. But what if we took a moment to examine it from a funnier perspective. Thanks to an article by Screen Crush, we can!

Have you wondered if hosts poop? That may sound like a stupid question, but hey, that’s what this article is all about. Side note: Lisa Joy Nolan confirmed they can indeed poop! Or has it ever crossed your mind where guests use the bathroom when they’re out roaming the park in the middle of nowhere? And who cleans all that up?

So many questions, very few answers. Please remember, this article is absolutely meant to be silly and funny, so don’t take anything to heart. It’s just a series of random questions that may or may not have crossed your mind, and it’s all in good humor!

So without further ado, let’s dive into the silliest Westworld questions!

Westworld Season 2, Episode 10
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations

Who cleans the guest/host poop in the park?

Seriously, though. It’s something to ponder about. Sure, there are facilities when a guest or a host is near a town or somewhere more populated. But what about when that isn’t the case? What happens when either a guest or a host is out in the middle of nowhere and suddenly have the urge to use the restroom?

Presumably, they find a place to go, but then who cleans it? Is there just poop scattered all over the park? Is there a way to handle this sort of situation? A lot to think about, isn’t it?

Westworld Season 1, Episode 10
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations

Could a human host’s consciousness be swapped into a host animal’s?

Westworld season 2 left us with many questions regarding consciousness and what types of crazy things Delos is capable of doing. We understand that the hosts are basically computers, so could there be some swapping between animal hosts and human hosts? Like, could Dolores be a bison or a horse?

It’s such a ridiculous thing to think about, but just imagine if it was the case. Would that mean that said animal could talk just like the host who has been uploaded into it? Just as Screen Crush states, it doesn’t do much for the actual story, but it’d be pretty darn hilarious.

Westworld Season 1, Episode 10
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations

Where does one eat at a Delos park?

We’ve seen an occasional host drink at the bar, but where does one get a bite to eat–especially if you’re a guest? The cost of going to one of these parks is $40,000/day so you would think the accommodations for meal time would over the top and lavish.

There isn’t much shown in the way of food so it leaves us to wonder where guests can go to eat. The mess hall? The lobby where they enter from? We need some details!

Westworld Season 2, Episode 10
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations

So like, can you bring your cell phone?

If I was going to Westworld or any other Delos park, I would most certainly be taking selfies up the wazoo with the robot hosts. But, we’ve never really seen anyone with a cell phone wandering around doing any such thing.

Obviously, we’re not entirely sure what year Westworld takes place in. It’s futuristic as heck so maybe cell phones aren’t even a thing anymore. But let’s pretend for a moment they are. Does Delos take guests’ phones away when they arrive?

A lot of the experiences are privy to secrecy so it wouldn’t be that shocking if this was the case. Maybe the Nolans can address that next season, yeah?

Westworld Season 1
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations

Can you bring your kids to the park? Or is there some sort of age limit?

Screen Crush brings up a very good point here. We’d probably question any adult who would willingly expose their child to the happenings of Westworld–death, rape, war. But is there actually any sort of age limit imposed?

If you recall, in season one Dolores meets a young little boy–a human boy. So someone out there did decide to bring their child along. Why we’re not sure, but hey maybe there is a park for kids we don’t know about yet.

Just like Screen Crush, we wonder if there is some sort of daycare available. You know, where adults can drop off their children and then proceed to the park to go buck wild in their fantasies.

Do you have any ridiculously silly questions you’ve wondered about in Westworld? We want to hear them so please share in the comment below or on our Twitter, @BeyondWestworld.