J.K. Rowling’s alternate titles for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


Harry Potter is probably the most pivotal book series of the past quarter-century. A lot of kids started reading because of it, and a lot of them still hold J.K. Rowling’s original works close to their hearts. It might be interesting or those people to get a quick look into how different things could have been had Rowling forged ahead with some of her original ideas. For example, did you know that she had a couple of alternate titles for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the fourth book in the series?

This info comes from Mental Floss, which dug it out of JK Rowling: A Bibliography 1997-2013, by Philip W. Errington. Rowling herself once called that biography “slavishly thorough and somewhat mind-boggling,” so you know its on the money.


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Anyway, here are the alternate titles Errington uncovered:

Harry Potter and the Fire Goblet

This is the most similar to what we actually got. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire flows better, I think.

Harry Potter and the Three Champions

As fans will remember, Goblet of Fire is about Harry participating in the Twiwizard Tournament, a contest designed to promote cooperation among different wizarding schools around the world. Harry is one of four champions chosen to compete, so this title could have worked. I’m glad they got more specific with it, though.

Harry Potter and the Death Eaters

That one’s pretty on the nose, isn’t it? The Triwizard Tournament definitely dominates the book, so I’m glad the final title focuses on that.

The titles of the Harry Potter books have been the focus on no small contention over the years. Famously, the title of the first book — Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone — was changed from Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone in England.

Any Harry Potter fans out there? Was Goblet of Fire the right choice for a title?

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