Are the Westworld opening credits actually Easter eggs hidden in plain sight?

Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations

If you pay close attention to the Westworld opening credits–you might just spot some Easter eggs!

The Westworld opening credits are very, very interesting. In fact, the showrunners have even alluded to them being very important in terms of the plot and storyline.  We wanted to break down the credits to see exactly what can be interpreted and what theories we can concoct as a result. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

Being from the Nolans, it’s not shocking that the opening credits may possess clues for what’s to come. They first start with a strong light rising over a host’s body in production. This could symbolize the dawn and creation of the hosts.

Then a host, still in production, appears playing a piano. Upon further reflection, I think this could mean that the hosts are the ones pulling the strings–that they are in control. Have you ever noticed the two hosts having intercourse? It definitely hints at the idea of hosts being able to reproduce at some point, just like humans.

Elaborating more on the host playing the piano, you’ll see that the piano plays on its own once the host stops playing. Our interpretation? That the world will live under the tune set by the hosts–under their rules and terms.

The Westworld credits also show a firing gun which potentially symbolizes war. If you’ve seen season 2 then you know that this is already the case. Hosts vs. Humans–Westworld edition. And it’s likely to get worse once we get into season 3.

I’m not sure if you all have paid close attention to this next one, but it’s interesting. A host is seen with a half-damaged face, essentially giving it a two-faced look. This may symbolize a split character both possessing evil and good within it. In season one, this is more relevant to season one as the hosts not yet started understanding their consciousness.

There is also an eye that keeps on appearing with a reflection of the park in it. This may show what we learned in season 2 about the guests being watched and studied. It’s Delos’ eye watching and learning and absorbing.

These are most of the things I could decipher from the Westworld credits–but I’m sure there’s plenty more. And that’s where you all come in, we’d love to hear what you think about the credits. However, there is one last thing I took notice to that is worth mentioning.

Of all the hosts we saw, most of them were in production with no skin. I believe the writers wanted to make it clear that perhaps there is no future for humans in the story of Westworld. I think by making the hosts appear incomplete it was their way of differentiating humans and hosts, so as not to get them confused.

Share your thoughts and theories on what you’ve learned from the Westworld credits! Leave a comment below or head to our Twitter, @BeyondWestworld.