Everything Game of Thrones stars have said about season 8

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“All the pieces fit.”

Lastly, let’s hit up Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister), who has some thoughts about how the ending fits into a greater whole. “I’ve spent so many years working on this and been guessing and trying to figure out how this will end,” he said, “and when I read it, some of the parts of it I’d get, and other parts of it were just completely shocking and surprising. And it wasn’t, there were none of those horrible — you know shows where it’s a murder mystery and at the very last minute you find out it doesn’t make sense? But here all the pieces fit into this massive jigsaw puzzle.”

This is a note Coster-Waldau hit a lot. Here he is relating what happens in season 8 to earlier parts of the series:

  • One of the great things about this show is that there are a lot of — also in season 8 — moments where you go “Oooooh, I remember that in [reaching for random example] season 2, Episode 3, that happened…[Jaime had] the tiniest of moments with Jon Snow in Episode 1…[Jaime] said, “Good luck at the Wall, we need great men like you.” And always, me and Kit Harington spoke about it; surely at one point we’re gonna meet again. There must be some payoff. And now, at least, [Jaime’s] going north. So he’s trying to get up there. We’ll see if he makes it. You never know.”

And back to the first note: “I also know that we end the right way and the show ends on its own terms. When I read the scripts for the last season, I was like, ‘Wow, they really pulled it off.’ It’s one story from season 1 to 8 and it makes sense.”

Finally, how would he describe season 8 in three words? “Surprising. Enormous. Heartbreaking.”

Sounds good to me. See you in April.

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