Every SPOILER we know for Game of Thrones season 8

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The Battle of Winterfell: Aftermath

As you might expect, this battle will leave many dead. Check out this image of corpses strewn across the ground outside the Winterfell set at Moneyglass (click to zoom in), courtesy of the Twitter account GoTlike Locations:

Image: GoTlike Locations
Image: GoTlike Locations /

We can see what looks like a field strewn with bodies to the left of the castle, including some that look like horses.

Meanwhile, Oakleaf Photography has images of a pile of body part props outside the castle…

Image: Oakleaf Photography
Image: Oakleaf Photography /

…and of blood left on the crenellations of the Castle Wall.

Image: Oakleaf Photography
Image: Oakleaf Photography /

It looks like whoever attacks Winterfell, tries to scale the wall and gets a nasty surprise.

Anyway, that’s about all there is to see at Moneyglass. The bulk of this battle was actually filmed at Magheramorne Quarry, where the show has shot such sequences as the Battle of Blackwater, the Massacre at Hardhome, and many scenes at Castle Black. This year, HBO outdid itself and built something truly impressive: