Every SPOILER we know for Game of Thrones season 8

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HBO returned to the cave where Melisandre birthed her shadow baby

In season 2, Davos Seaworth smuggled the red witch Melisandre to a cave underneath Storm’s End, and watched her give birth to a shadow assassin in one of the series’ most enduring what-the-f**k-is-happening moments ever. That scene was filmed at Cushendun Caves in Northern Ireland. The crew returned there for season 8.

Image: GoTlike Locations
Image: GoTlike Locations

As you can see above, it looks like things are happening both in the cave and on the nearby beach. And that’s about all we know. Is Game of Thrones returning to the same cave where Melisandre birthed her shadow baby years ago? Is that writhing piece of nightmare fuel getting a little brother or sister? Or will this stand in for another cave, of which there are plenty in Westeros?

Part of the reason we’re clinging to this information is because we know precious little about what Melisandre will get up to in the final six episodes. I mean, we know she’ll be in them, but we could have guessed that. When last we saw Melisandre, she told Varys that she was leaving Westeros for a while, but that she would return one last time. “I have to die in this strange country, just like you.”

Yikes. We can’t wait to see how that turns out.