The Pack Survives: Stark Symbolism in the new season 8 teaser trailer

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Bran’s absence

This teaser revolves around the Stark family, so Bran’s exclusion is curious and could point to a couple different theories about his character’s part in the endgame.

Right now, Bran’s identity as the Three-Eyed Raven may supersede his history as a Stark. As the Night King’s ancient foe, Bran has a part to play in the war that is entirely his own. He is not quite himself; he’s not driven by any emotional inclinations to save humanity, the way his family members are. It seems that in fulfilling a perhaps fateful, necessary, and heretofore unknown part in the White Walkers’ destruction, Bran has become more vessel than human.

Bran’s absence could also hint at him not surviving the coming battles, instead dying alongside the Night King and his army. Or, if we want to remain optimistic, we can speculate that the Three-Eyed Raven dies, but Bran as he once was lives to see the spring.