The first season of American Gods, an adaptation of (part of) Neil Gaiman’s classic fantasy novel, was a kinda-sorta hit for Starz. It was well-acted and visually succulent, but also drawn out, as it only adapted the first third of Gaiman’s none-too-long book. After some shakeups behind the scenes, American Gods will be back for a second season on Sunday, March 10. The latest trailer lays out the premise of the show in detail so specific you have to wonder if it was recorded especially for bringing in new fans, because who on the show would need this explained to them?
That’s Ian McShane talking, as the old god Mr. Wednesday, aka [SPOILER]. If you haven’t read the book, you’ll find out who he is soon enough. Based on the trailer, season 2 will feature the meeting of the old gods at the House of the Rock in Wisconsin, where Mr. Wednesday lays out his plan for fighting back against the new gods that are taking the old ones’ place in the minds and hearts of the people.
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I hope the new season will be good. Ricky Whittle is rock-solid as lead character Shadow Moon, and the producers don’t lack for imagination, but as a fan of the book, I couldn’t avoid the nagging feeling that the first season was stringing me along. Here’s hoping things pick up in season 2.
If you’re interested, Starz has also released the first few minutes of the new season, featuring the new gods engaged in some internal strife.
“This is a time of preparation,” says Mr. World (Crispin Glover). Somehow I don’t think I’m going to get my wish.
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