Game of Thrones is a big show, and the actors on it big stars. They’ve all had memorable interactions with fans, some weirder than others. Aidan Gillen, who played Littlefinger for seven years before Arya sliced his throat open, recounted a few to The A.V. Club. Take a look:
“People often come up and don’t say anything,” Gillen says. “But the most common thing they just say is your name. They just kind of go ‘Petyr.’ They often say that which is really strange. Or ‘are you Petyr?’ That happens quite a lot.”
I’m surprised they don’t call him Littlefinger. Maybe they’re trying to be respectful.

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However, Gillen’s favorite fan interaction came in Dublin when he was buying groceries. He asked the clerk for a paper bag, and got a response he would never forget:
"Whatever you desire, Lord Baelish."
There are, of course, more hostile interactions where fans are a bit more aggressive. For example, people have asked Gillen many times over the years not to mess with Sansa Stark, as if he were in control of that. And then there are the hilarious stories, like the time he went through immigration and the officer remarked that Littlefinger was in front of him. But then, as the officer began sifting through his bag, he asked Gillen what he does for a living. Gillen, of course, said that he was an actor. The response: “Oh, so you are Littlefinger.”
Gillen will probably be recognized less now that his time on Game of Thrones is over, but there are years yet on that clock. And some people may now recognize him as J. Allen Hynek, the real-life scientist he plays on History’s Project Blue Book, which airs on Tuesdays on History.
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