Episode 207: “My Brother’s Keeper”
For the first time all season, one excellent episode is followed by another. Russo is shocked to run into Frank for the first time since getting his head based in and finding that he’s the bearer of the skull haunting his nightmares. That shock ends up saving Russo’s life, as Frank hesitates and allows Russo’s thugs to pull focus long enough for their leader to recover. It’s a thrilling gun fight in the streets of New York, complete with snipers and a car chase.
Eventually, Russo hops out of his car and we begin round 2 of the gunfight. Russo seemingly has unlimited ammo stored in every pocket, but when the NYPD show up, both he and Frank flee the scene, but not before Frank and Curtis are forced to knock out Detective Mahoney.
The encounter leaves both men rattled. Later, Frank explains to Curtis why he couldn’t kill Russo: Billy’s heartbreaking and oh-so-genuine response to learning Frank mangled his face. Frank could have killed Russo in season 1, but instead beat him so silly the latter can’t remember ever killing Frank’s family, erasing everything Frank wanted to punish Russo for. #Irony
The realization sends Frank off the rails. He takes his frustration out on Amy when she playfully attempts to disarm Frank and he slams her to the ground and fires his pistol near her head. Dude’s losing control.

Ben Barnes has been a powerhouse this season, and never more than in this episode. After dealing with his gang (i.e. executing everyone who questions his leadership), Russo heads back to Dumont’s apartment. Like Frank, Russo is losing it. Realizing Frank was the one who scarred him clearly hurts more than any physical pain. Barnes is a crazed animal in this scene — he smashes Dumont’s apartment to pieces at the thought that she might betray him too — and I can’t be the only one who feels sympathy for him.
Eventually, both men manage to center themselves. Billy trusts that Dumont might actually love him despite who he is, and Frank visits the grave of his wife to find answers. While Madani, Curtis and Amy have some decent scenes in this episode, it would be stronger if it was boiled down to just Frank and Russo. When they’re onscreen, I couldn’t care less about the Russians, Amy, or the creepy Preacher guy.