Five ways Thanos’ snap could be undone in Avengers: Endgame

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1. Nebula

In the comics, Nebula plays a major role in the wake of the Snappening. In that version of the story, after snapping away half the universe (including Iron Man and Captain America), Thanos ascends to become a sort of god-like, ethereal being. As he relishes his victory in his astral form, he leaves his physical body unprotected. At this point, Nebula (his granddaughter in the comics) steps in and takes the Gauntlet out of spite and restores her broken body back to health. Something like this could happen could happen in Endgame, with Nebula getting hold of the Gauntlet and snapping things back to the way they were.

The difference in that, in the comics, Nebula is still a villain, so once they’re back, the remaining Avengers enlist Thanos’ help to defeat her. Dr. Strange is convinced by Adam Warlock, an extremely powerful character who resides in the Soul Stone, to rescue Thanos. (Sidenote: if you remember Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Ayesha is seen creating a being she intends to use to destroy the Guardians, and she calls him “Adam”. Presumably, this is Adam Warlock, who’s expected to make an appearance in the third film). Thanos talks Nebula into turning back time to 24 hours before the Snappening, which reduces Nebula to the torture victim she was before she healed herself. After Nebula is defeated, Warlock manages to convince Thanos to abandon his homicidal ways, since apparently all he needed was a pep talk.

There is a lot more where that came from, and that’s a story for another time!

I don’t think we’ll get the bulk of that story in Endgame, but I could see Nebula making a play for the Infinity Gauntlet. She deserves some kind of justice after everything Thanos has put her through, including murdering Gamora soon after she and Nebula made amends. Or, maybe there will be just be a good old-fashioned fight against Thanos involving all of the heroes, with Nebula striking the final blow.