Let’s rank the Game of Thrones trailers from worst to first

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Season 1

Ah, the trailer that started the Golden Age of Television. This one was for the book readers, who got to see Sean Bean embody the character of Lord Eddard Stark. It’s interesting to see how much HBO leaned into marketing Bean, knowing his character would die before season’s end.

This was Game of Thrones before the shit hit the fan. Bran was still walking around, Ned was going to tell Jon about his mother the next time they talked and the Starks were all together.

The budget was a lot lower then. We barely glimpsed a White Walker in season 1, and when we did it was a weird prosthetic mess. These days, the Night King and his lieutenants look like real boys!

Still, just because this is the original trailer doesn’t mean it’s the best. Where’s the flash, whiz, bang and pizzazz, HBO?