1. Game of Thrones spin-off series (HBO)
Game of Thrones as we know it may be soon coming to an end, but HBO isn’t quite done with the universe George R. R. Martin has created. You can catch a still untitled spin-off series sometime in the not-too-distant future, 2020 at the earliest. The project is headlined by Naomi Watts, with an ensemble cast at her back.
We don’t know the specifics of the plot, but we know the show will be set thousands of years before the events of the main show, so don’t expect any Daenerys Targaryen cameos. Fun fact: Martin keeps referring to this show as The Long Night, even though HBO has basically told him to cut that out.
A Game of Thrones spin-off is a very obvious heir to the Game of Thrones crown. Even if the series doesn’t fire on every single cylinder, there’s still plenty to keep us tuning in every week. Fans are not done being fascinated with Westeros, and any new insights this show can provide will be appreciated.
It’ll be easy for HBO to advertise the show during episodes of Westworld or Barry (which Game of Thrones fans should be watching if they keep up their subscriptions, by the way) and bing, bang, boom, the new series will take off. Hopefully it will live up to the high standard set by the mother show.
The biggest hazard for this spin-off is that fan expectations could be too high. Game of Thrones was as good as it gets. . . is it possible that anything less than perfection will turn us off early?
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