Marvel partners with Serial Box so you can enjoy superhero stories 24/7

Marvel /

At the moment, superheroes run the world. Avengers: Infinity War is poised to have the biggest opening weekend in box office history. Entertainment Weekly is resurrecting their font from the ’90s in honor of the impending release of Captain Marvel. Over half of the top-grossing films of 2018 were superhero movies, and let’s not even get in to what’s happening on TV. These spandex-clad buggers are everywhere.

I know what you’re thinking: it’s not enough. Marvel hears you, and it’s partnered with Serial Box to ensure that you can your superhero hit at any time throughout your day, even when you’re not at the movie theater or in front of your TV.

If you’re unfamiliar with this very interesting company, Serial Box creates serialized e-books and audiobooks that are rolled out simultaneously, so you can switch between listening to it and reading it on the fly. Writing a Serial Box story is kind of like writing a TV show, with a showrunner and a team of writers who plan out the story and put it to paper, with the end result being that weekly installments come out “five times faster than a traditional book.” Episodes are designed to last the length of an average commute, which makes them perfect for busy professionals who have stuff to do between catching the latest Marvel movie in theaters.

With Marvel’s blessing, different teams at Serial Box will make show revolving around four popular Marvel heroes: Thor, Black Widow, Black Panther and Jessica Jones. The whole project is being managed by Alex De Campi, a writer on comic books like Dredd: Final Judgement and Archie vs. Predator. Writing on her Instagram, De Campi says that the Serial Box novels are intended to be an easy and exciting first step for movie fans into the Marvel comics universe.”


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It sounds like Marvel publisher John Nee agrees. “Over the last 80 years, Marvel has grown to become a lifestyle for every kind of fan around the world — but it all started from serialized storytelling,” he said in a statement. “We were impressed by the quality and creativity of Serial Box’s content, and we are excited for both Marvel and Serial Box fans to experience these new stories together each week.”

I actually think this sounds pretty interesting. Who doesn’t want something to do on their way to work? Oh god, I’m enabling the superhero takeover, aren’t I?

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h/t SyFy Wire