Okay, so you’ve watched the Game of Thrones season 8 trailer a few hundred times by now. You’ve watched it with closed captioning on so you wouldn’t miss a single word, you’ve watched it on the slowest speed setting so you wouldn’t miss a beat, and you watched a lightened version because you don’t have infrared vision.
Still, there’s bound to be something you didn’t catch. Thanks to overly obsessive fans like ourselves, we’ve found a few more things we think you might be interested in.
First, let’s talk about Ghost, Jon Snow’s faithful direwolf who hasn’t been seen since the beginning of season 6. That’s years he hasn’t been onscreen. HOWEVER! We think we may have found him in the season 8 trailer…or at least we found a large white blob behind Jorah towards the end of it:

I mean, what else is huge and white and looks ready to eat some wights? That’s totally Ghost…maybe.
In other fuzzy, misshapen objects that may not actually be fuzzy, misshapen objects, Redditor u/tpdsilva believes they’ve found Arya and Sansa talking to each other on the battlements of Winterfell as Davos walks by.

Okay, so…apparently, there is a short character talking to a taller one just to the right of Davos’ head, between the crenellations. According to this theory, it’s Sansa and Arya, possibly encouraging each other on the eve of battle. Let’s take a closer look and see if we buy it:

Yeah…I can kind of see a person of smaller stature looking up at someone and having a conversation. It could be Arya and Sansa talking before the Battle of Winterfell. Or maybe it’s a shadow and us fans are just that thirsty.

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Finally, there’s this shot of someone grabbing onto a weapon.

We first thought this might be the quarterstaff/spear Arya is twirling later in the trailer…
"There is only one thing we say to death... not today." #AryaStark #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/EheoB5fHL5
— The Pixel Factor (@ThePixelFactor) March 5, 2019
…but upon closer inspection, that is a bow, not a staff; look at the taut string near the right edge of the frame. We’re looking at an archer.
Then there’s the hand and the flared cuff. I’ve tried to match it to the characters we know will be fighting at Winterfell, and honestly, I’m kind of stumped. Again, it seems like a match for Arya, but Arya’s doesn’t usually use a bow, although she can. Also, in the shot of the hand grabbing the bow, the archer isn’t wearing gloves. But when we see Arya twirling her weapon, she is:

Perhaps the hand belongs to Lyanna Mormont, who laid down the law to Lord Glover in the season 7 premiere. “I don’t plan on knitting by the fire while men fight for me,” she said. “I might be small, Lord Glover, and I might be a girl, but I am every bit as much a Northerner as you. We’ll begin training every man, woman, boy, and girl on Bear Island.”
Could the mysterious hand be Lyanna Mormont’s? She certainly has the fighting spirit for it.
Have a closer look and let me know in the comments if you think I’m right about any of this.
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