SyFy’s The Magicians is back for a fourth season, and our favorite characters are definitely not in Fillory anymore. In season 3, Quentin, Eliot, Margo, Alice, Penny, Julia and Josh were on an epic quest to find seven keys so they could turn magic back on. You see, in the season 2 finale — when Quentin killed the god of Fillory, Ember — the Old Gods turned it off.
Brakebills School of Magic (think Hogwarts for adults, with lots more sex) was sold because, well, there was no more magic to be had, so there was no reason to train potential magicians. However, there was hope, as Julie had a spark of magic left to her by the Old Goddess, Our Lady Underground, making her “god-touched,” and as the season progressed, Julia became more powerful and eventually a god herself.

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Just as the gang succeeded in bringing back magic, the Library — a magical order that controls a ton of powerfully magical books — made a deal with Alice and Brakebills headmaster Dean Fogg to siphon magic so magicians would no longer grow so powerful on their own, preventing them from causing another catastrophe like this whole no-magic business.
The head librarian and Dean Fogg used powerful magic to incapacitate the group and forced them to drink potions that would wipe their memories (except for Alice; because she broke her deal with the Library, she was imprisoned with her memories intact). Fogg then cast a spell to change each one’s face and personality, so they would never again become who they once were. Before they were taken away, a malevolent spirit was loosed that inhabited Eliot’s body.
As season 4 begins, Evil-Eliot is on the loose. He’s captured Quentin, who doesn’t know who he is, and the two are traveling the world killing powerful magicians and various different gods Evil-Eliot blames for his long captivity.
The entire cast has returned for season 4. They are:
- Jason Ralph as Quentin Coldwater
- Stella Maeve as Julia Wicker
- Olivia Taylor Dudley as Alice Quinn
- Hale Appleman as Eliot Waugh
- Summer Bishil as Margo Hanson
- Arjun Gupta as William “Penny” Adiyodi
- Jade Tailor as Kady Orloff-Diaz
- Rick Worthy as Dean Fogg
- Brittany Curran as Fen
- Esmé Bianco (Ros on Game of Thrones) as Jane Chatwin in a recurring guest role
- Keegan Connor Tracy as Professor Lipson
- Mageina Tovah as Zelda Schiff, the Head Librarian
- Adam DiMarco as Todd
- Rizwan Manji as Tick Pickwick
The Magicians season 4 will have 13 episodes. It’s already been renewed for a fifth season. With all that out of the way, let’s get recapping!