We’re just a couple weeks away from the premiere of Game of Thrones season 8, and the internet is being flooded with all manner of posters, images, trailers and more. This new batch of photos comes courtesy of Sky Atlantic, posted on the TV network’s Instagram account. Let’s have a look.
Check out Game of Thrones swag at Entertainment Earth.
First up, Tyrion is looking thoughtful and concerned, as ever:

Sansa, beautifully lit with firelight:

This next one has to be Sansa welcoming Daenerys to Winterfell. Notice Pod and Brienne behind her.

This is almost definitely taken from the moment we’ve seen in promotional materials, where Dany and Sansa meet for the first time:
Here’s Jon brooding. He’s good at that.

Inside Winterfell, Daenerys looks ill at ease.

This next one has to be my favorite, as Dany seems to be giving someone in Winterfell’s great hall her signature middle-distance stone face:

Although she does find time later to smile:

Ser Jorah and Dany hanging out in Winterfell. Someone’s got their attention. Are they in the library? Look at those scrolls and books behind Jorah. Also, liking Jorah’s shiny armor.

Brienne looks by turns worried…

…and thoughtful:

Bran isn’t going to show us any emotion…

…except it looks kind of like he’s momentarily diverted by something in the distance. Is the Three-Eyed Raven reacting to dragons?

Arya was more impressed:
And that’s all folks. Game of Thrones season 8 premieres on HBO on April 14. The hype is real.
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