Welcome to another fun and informative episode of Take the Black Podcast with House Razor, the spoiled milk inside Take the Black Live with House Selcke’s refrigerator. This week, we’ve got only thing on our minds: a supposed leaked synopsis for the first episode of Game of Thrones season 8, courtesy of Frikidoctor, the guy who leaked much of season 7 ahead of time.

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In a game we call “Bullshit or Legit,” we go through the leak line by line and determine what they mean. This week we welcome WiCnet editor-in-chief Dan Selcke to the show to help us parse through all the information.
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As usual, Take the Black Podcast leans heavily on the NSFW side of things, so watch out for falling F-bombs. And since we’re talking about a supposed leak, we will be straying into SPOILER territory. Consider this your warning.
If you want to listen to the episode directly, click this link.
We’re dying to know what you think of Frikidoctor’s leak. Is it bullshit or legit? Let’s discuss in the comments below. And while you’re here, please don’t forget to check out Take the Black Live with House Selcke on the Winter is Coming Facebook page every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. CST. Valar Morghulis, y’all.
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