Video: Behind the spectacular special effects of Game of Thrones


Ready for a fun, behind-the-scenes look at visual effects production on Game of Thrones? HBO has dropped a four-minute short titled: “Inside Game of Thrones: A Story in Visual Effects.” It’s got cool video and commentary by Thrones VFX producer Steve Kullback and supervisor Joe Bauer as they “explain the challenges and fun of pushing the boundaries of special effects.” Watch below:

“There’s a lot about working on a project like this that’s like joining the circus,” says Kullback. “We move 10,000 miles away from home and we put up our little tent to put on our little show and we tear the tent down and we move it somewhere else.”


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As the expanding scope of the show story has demanded more from a growing VFX department, Bauer explains that “[t]he biggest challenge for visual effects is defining what the workload is. From the scripts we have a really good general idea of what we’re doing, but for us is comes down the individual shots, and every shot defines a method.”

We get a look at VFX elements being grafted seamlessly into live action scenes, including the Battle on the Frozen Lake, the Battle of the Bastards, the Loot Train Attack and many more. Kullback and Bauer also talk about the end of the series, and how Thrones has become such a huge part of their lives.

It’s a quick, exhilarating glimpse into the technical magic of Thrones, and seeing actor Ian Whyte in his full Wun Wun costume, porcupined with arrows and fist-bumping Bauer is pretty cool.

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