Game of Thones: What kind of ending will Game of Thrones give us?

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The Wire ending

Maybe what Game of Thrones needs is a montage? Even Rocky had a montage!

The whole idea of The Wire’s final montage was pretty much pure pandering to the audience, and it’s the best pandering that’s ever happened. It should feel sappy and out of place, but instead it feels…right. The biggest thing about The Wire’s finale episode is that it goes to great lengths to wrap up every little story line, or at least to give you an idea of what’s going on in these character’s lives going forward. And honestly…this wouldn’t work at all for Game of Thrones.

While yes, the ultimate ending montage to The Wire makes sure to re-highlight the haves and have-nots of Baltimore, we’ve never really gotten into that in Westeros. The final montage in The Wire also highlights that the more things change, the more they stay the same. We see characters take on new roles, but roles that were previously filled by someone else, whether it’s Michael becoming the new Omar, Sydnor becoming the new McNulty, etc. We probably won’t have another Azor Ahai or Mother of Dragons in Westeros for a while.

Make no mistake about it: Game of Thrones is about the 1% of its world. And while I do think there will be some pandering moments in the finale where we see some characters have made it out alive…I don’t think we’ll be getting a nice clean wrap-up like we did with The Wire.

Or will we get the truly dark ending that we probably deserve? The Night Kind sits on the Iron Thrones and soaks in the glory of his frozen, desolate, human-free kingdom. Does humanity really deserve to live? There’s only one show that had an ending that dark.