Three reasons Disney needs to revive Netflix’s Marvel shows on Disney+

Marvel's Daredevil
Marvel's Daredevil /
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Reason #1: Fans Are Very Unhappy

So several great shows are cancelled as a result not of a diminishing fanbase but because of contracts and politics. As you might expect, fans were livid when they heard the news and took to social media and ripped into Netflix. They loved the shows. They talked about these characters online constantly. How could Netflix possibly cancel them all?

Many fans threatened to cancel their Netflix subscriptions, saying that they had signed up specifically for these shows. Others announced they had already done so. The passion of the fanbase is there.

Netflix is the company that pulled the plug, But fans would do well to send some angry tweets Disney’s way, too, particularly if Disney doesn’t revive DaredevilJessica Jones and the rest on Disney+. If the company makes that move, it turns a potential PR disaster into a new fervent group of fans. This seems like the simplest best option for everyone involved.

Once these fans are in the system, Disney can get them hooked on anything, from their live-action Star Wars shows to to the Loki show to whatever else is planned. If Disney keeps the content at a high level of quality, everybody is going to stick around. But if Disney wants these fans in the first place, it’s going to have to offer them something they can’t refuse, especially after it’s already pissed some of them off.