Game of Thrones Screencap Recap: Episode 801, “Winterfell”

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In King’s Landing, Euron is bringing Harry Strickland and the Golden Company to Cersei.

Euron taunts Yara, because he’s a dick.

Cersei welcomes Commander Strickland, but isn’t pleased he didn’t bring elephants.

Euron wants his payment…

…and gets it.

So Cersei wants Bronn to murder Tyrion and Jaime with the same crossbow Tyrion killed Tywin with. Poetic justice, indeed.

Meanwhile, Theon rescues Yara, who headbutts him and then helps him back up. That’s what love looks like on the Iron Islands.

“I’M KING OF THE WORLD!” No, but really, Theon wants to go help defend Winterfell, and Yara agrees to let him go.

“What is dead may never die.”

“But kill the bastards anyway.”

Okay, that’s enough sunlight.