Game of Thrones screencap breakdown: “Episode 802” Trailer

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The opening scene shows Jaime standing before what looks like a tribunal in Winterfell’s Great Hall. This didn’t go well when it happened to Littlefinger last year…

Daenerys presides, with Sansa Stark at her right hand and Jon Snow on her left. Also present (to the right of Jaime) are Brienne of Tarth, Yohn Royce, Lyanna Mormont and Ser Davos. To the left of Jaime sit Tyrion, Varys and Missandei. So it’s basically Team Jon and Team Dany. One wonders if Tyrion or Brienne will speak in Jaime’s defense.

“When I was a child, my brother would tell me a bedtime story,” Daenerys says in voiceover. “About the man who murdered our father. About all the things we would do to that man.” I don’t suppose you talked about giving him a fair trail and finding him justified on all charges?

Bran, stoic as ever, sees all without needing to be there. He is everywhere at once, ready to spill the beans at a moment’s notice. By placing his shot here, we can assume that he’s actually present at Jaime’s hearing.

If Jaime is fated to have an important role in the battle against the White Walkers, perhaps Bran feels it’s more important for Jaime to fight than be executed for attempting to murder him as a boy. We have to assume that Bran now remembers or ‘sees’ what Jaime did to him in the first episode of the series, but has he brought it up for the room?

Sansa sits alongside Daenerys, facing Jaime. She surely would have no compunctions about Jaime being imprisoned or executed, considering what the Lannisters did to her father.

Tyrion watches the proceedings, terribly torn between his love for his brother Jaime and his loyalty to his queen, Daenerys. Sitting alone, it reinforces the possibility that he is acting as Jaime’s advocate. Varys and Missandei look on in the background.

Daenerys looks absolutely vicious here.

Jaime stands on trial for his murder of he Mad King, wondering why he ever rode to Winterfell in the first place. Oh yeah, he was trying to honor his family’s promise to Jon and Daenerys. That has to be worth something.

We jump cut to a wider angle of Jaime as a terrible realization hits him. Is Daenerys going to condemn him? Doesn’t she understand that her father was going to blow up King’s Landing with a subterranean ocean of wildfire? Will it be execution by dragon?? Maybe it was a really bad idea to leave Cersei and try to be honorable.