Fashion is Coming: The costumes of “Winterfell”

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Jon’s cloak and furs

While Jon’s costume in “Winterfell” isn’t all that different from what he’s been wearing for a couple seasons nowthe dark colors and do make a terrific contrast to the white coat Dany wears. Jon’s dark cloak and furs remind us that he’s a Northerner through and through, even if he’s chosen to bow to a southern queen.

Indeed, in their contrasting colors, Daenerys and Jon look like opposites of each other, which is reflected in their personalities and to their leadership styles. They balance each other out.

The front of Jon’s costume bears the dire wolf sigil of House Stark, which is little iconic given that Jon is currently clashing with some of his family members, especially Sansa, over how to proceed. He’s also on the outs with the Northern lords, so it’s important to remind them that he is one of them. If his actions don’t convince them, perhaps his attire will.

Adding to the irony, Jon also discovers that he isn’t really a Stark in this episode. Who knows, maybe he’ll switch over to the House Targaryen symbol next time we see him. We doubt it, though. He didn’t exactly take Sam’s news too well…