WiC Watches: The Magicians season 4

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Episode 402: “Lost, Found, F**ked”

Episode 402 picks up where the season 4 premiere left off. Marina has attempted some powerful magic in order to break the spell on Margo, Penny, Kady, and Josh, but it knocked everyone out and sent Margo to Fillory.

Marina’s phone starts ringing; it’s a pre-recorded call from Dean Fogg telling her to stop messing with his magic or else. Marina instantly recognizes the voice, has Penny teleport her into Fogg’s office, then injects a bit of Fogg’s own magic into him, hoping it will force him to remove the spell without further trouble.

Meanwhile, Margo wakes up in Fillory, not knowing who or where she is, and gets dragged under a lake by some sort of amphibious creature who tells her she is the High King of Fillory, and he is holding her crown and important items for her. Margo’s been through worse.

As she makes her way back on land, Margo is placed under arrest by guards working for acting-High King Fen. Margo is still under the spell at this point, and Fen doesn’t recognize her as High King Margo, so they send her on a quest to find Ember (who should totally be dead by now). When she finds him, she realizes it’s the god Bacchus dressed as Ember.

Back on Earth, Dean Fogg refuses to break the spell on Penny, Quentin, Julia, Kady, and Josh and goes around making amends to everyone he’s wronged in his life as Todd tags along taking notes. Todd then returns to Fogg’s office to find Julia looking for the source of the spell. She thinks that if she can break it, all will be right in the world.

Todd and Julia find a huge magical battery orb thing and try to disable it. It knocks them back and kills Julia…only it doesn’t because something inside Julia won’t let her die. She continues to attack the orb and continues to die each time, only to come back to life. Y’all know the fact that she was a goddess last season has something to do with this.

The final time Julia hits the orb, it shatters and the spell breaks, revealing everyone’s true face and replacing their memories.

Finally, evil-Eliot — still hunting the gods that imprisoned him — notices Quentin changing back to his old self. The spirit inside him realizes that if Quentin has his memories back, then he won’t want to play with him anymore, so Eliot teleports the both of them to Marina’s apartment, prepared to kill them all. Roll credits.

As I was last week, I’m very happy the story is progressing rapidly and we didn’t have to spend forever waiting for our favorite characters to remember who they were. I also love that Julia has a spark of the goddess left in her. I bet that comes into play later in the season. Also, Hale Appleman is straight owning being evil-Eliot and I kind of wish he didn’t have to go back to being good. Maybe he won’t.

Grade: A