Valar Morghulis: Who’s most likely to die in Game of Thrones Episode 802?

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Valar morghulis: All men (and women) must die. But when?

Welcome to Valar Morghulis, a weekly column about death and destruction in the wide world of Westeros. Each week, we’ll try to predict how likely EVERY character on Game of Thrones is to breathe their last in the upcoming episode. We’ll also review what we got right, as well as what we got horribly wrong, last time.

We officially returned to Westeros last week with “Winterfell,” but unfortunately for this column, we only had one death. But boy oh boy, was it memorable.

We didn’t actually have poor Ned Umber on our list, seeing as how he’d only appeared in one scene back at the start of season 7, but as soon as we saw him on screen in “Winterfell,” being ordered to return to Last Hearth, we knew he was a goner. Who sends a kid back to the castle closest to the Wall after you know its been breached? Anyways, if you’re gonna go, Ned Umber went out in spectacular, horrifying fashion, nailed to a wall and then burned “alive” amidst various body parts arranged in the shape of the Night King’s sigil.

Will things pick up this week? “Winterfell” set things in motion for the rest of the season, but with all the pieces on the board now, will we start to see the bodies drop? Let’s take a look at the odds!

****Percentages refer to how likely the character is to die, not survive.****