Valar Morghulis: Who’s most likely to die in Game of Thrones Episode 802?

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34-43. Red-Wedding surprised

We would stake our life that these characters make it through season 8’s second episode.

34. Sansa Stark: 8%. Sansa did a damn good job of preparing Winterfell for the coming onslaught, hopefully it was enough to survive. She’s not in any proper danger until Winterfell is under direct siege.

35. Arya Stark: 7%. Arya’s new weapon will doubtless come in handy, but will it be enough? Arya is safe in the short term, and hopefully the long run as well.

36. Cersei Lannister: 5%. Cersei is going down this season, just not this episode. It’s too soon.

37. Tyrion Lannister: 5%. I’ve always thought Tyrion wouldn’t make it out of the series alive, but that doesn’t mean the smallest Lannister dies yet.

38. Rhaegal: 5%. A human rider making decisions for a dragon in battle seems like a good idea, so Rhaegal just got a bump in his safety rating.

39. Drogon: 5%. Like the Hound, Drogon has a showdown with his undead brother coming, and is safe until that is over.

40. Viserion: 5%. Likewise for Viserion. We’re guessing only another dragon could kill Viserion with the Night King atop his back, so he seems pretty safe to us. For now.

41. The Night King: 3%. We can’t wait to see this guy go down, but it’s not going to be in Episode 2.

42. Jon Snow: 2%. Jon still comes in second in terms of being the safest person on the show for this episode. But during the Battle of Winterfell, who knows?

43. Daenerys Targaryen:1%. Dany seems likely to make it until the end, or at least very close to it. Unless Sansa has been learning some of Arya’s tricks. Safe for now.

Things are heating up quickly, so we’ll hopefully have gotten a few of these right Sunday night! Check back next week to see how we did!

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