Welcome to the screencap recap for Game of Thrones Episode 802, “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.” We have a lot of pics this week, So let’s buckle up and let’s get started.
We open with Jaime’s trial at Winterfell.

Jon’s clearly not comfortable being so close to his lover…who’s also his aunt. “Don’t look at her. eyes on the Kingslayer and you’ll be okay, Jon.”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree with blondie, Ser Jaime must die!”

“The children we push out of windows for love.”

“What’s that now?”

“Come at me, Ser Bro.”

“Look, he may have been an evil asshole who killed a lot of people you all loved, but he’s been on a seven-season redemption arc and I, for one, would like to see where it takes him.”

“Well, I do love a good redemption story. Fine, if you say so, he can stay.”

“I secretly love you.”

“There’s an old Dothraki saying: Never trust a ginger.”

“Well, what does the NOT-King-in-the-North say?”

“I incest…I mean, suggest he stays; we need all the help we can get.”

“I know that look.”

“It would have been a good fight when you were whole.”

“Jon, wanna go take the dragons out for a spi…”

Don’t look her in the eye. “I’ve got to go to the bathroom. It’s really serious.”

“Well, this won’t end well for any of us.”

Everyone noticed. Everyone.