Knee-Jerk Reactions to “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”: Five Best and Worst Moments

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
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So there we have it. Game of Thrones season 8 has hit its stride. This week’s “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” was a character fest that stepped up to the plate, dug in and reminded us how intensely invested we are in these fictional people we’ve known for so many years. No swords clashed nor was battle met, but tonight we laughed and wept, for tomorrow (well, next Sunday), so many surely must die.

Can we take a moment to relish all these wonderful pairings? From Arya/Gendry to Jaime/Tyrion to Jaime/Brienne to Theon/Sansa and on and on … there were so many great scenes in this episode, happy, melancholy and melodramatic. My Valyrian Steel cup overfloweth. I’ll do my best to toss in some Flea Bottom Brown moments, but it’s a bit of a stretch here.

Let’s start with the five Valyrian Steel (Best) moments of the episode before getting to the Flea Bottom Brown (Worst) ones.