Game of Thones: Now THAT’S What I’m Talking About!

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Let’s talk about the Arya/Gendry sex scene real quick: fans are the ones making it weird. She’s a grown woman who chose to have sex with a grown man; stop being prudes about it. Folks are way more concerned about Arya having sex with Gendry than they are that Jon and Dany are related. But that’s for a different article.

The highlight of the episode was definitely the multi-character fireside chat that peaked with Jaime knighting Brienne. Her walls finally went down and she allowed herself to be vulnerable after a lifetime of being on defense because of her size and appearance. Even earlier in the episode, when Jaime was just talking with her, she was suspicious that he wasn’t making fun of her. She was expecting it, and when it didn’t come, she didn’t know how to handle it.

Her smile after being knighted by Jaime, with Tormund starting a slow clap in the background, is one of my favorite moments in TV history.

Jon, Sam, Edd, and Ghost hanging out on the battlement and cracking jokes was great. Tyrion and Jaime talking again was great. I mean, you all saw the episode; I don’t need to recap everything. That’s not the point of the article.

When it’s all said and done and the series is over, we’re going to look back on this episode and I truly think we’ll consider it a swan song for the characters. A lot of them are going to die this Sunday. The show slowed down, let the characters just be human and interact, and in those moments were able strengthen our connection with them as viewers, and their connections with each other.

Those moments have been few and far between, lately. But much like a Ghost sighting, when they come, it’s worth it.

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