Welcome to a super-sized edition of the Take the Black Podcast with House Razor, the sour goat’s milk running down the beard of Take the Black Live with House Selcke. This week, we gush over what we consider to be one of the best episodes of Game of Thrones ever: “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.”

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Our topics are thus:
- I go full book-nerd and describe exactly where the song “Jenny of Oldstones” comes from and how it connects to the characters.
- Isis gets all hot and bothered about Gendry and Arya’s big moment.
- We break down the meeting between Dany and Sansa.
- Cory Thone loves all the connections each of the major characters had.
- Corey Smith loves Brienne getting knighted by Jaime.
- We all agree the defenders of Winterfell are f**ked.
- Thone and I discuss Jon’s big reveal to Dany.
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As usual, Take the Black Podcast is super-NSFW. We drop more than the occasional F-bomb, so consider yourself warned. Other than that, sit back and enjoy the show!
We’d love to hear from you. What was your favorite moment from “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms,” and does this hour rank up there with the all-time greats from Game of Thrones episodes? Let’s discuss.
Also, while you’re here, remember to check out Take the Black Live with House Selcke on the Winter is Coming Facebook page every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. CST. Valar Morghulis, y’all.
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