Fashion is Coming: The costumes of “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones /

Daenerys’ gray and red dress

Daenerys changes out of her bright white coat during “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms,” choosing a more subtle dress that’s still lighter than what most of the Northerners wear, but it’s a neutral gray color that shows she’s at least trying to blend in at Winterfell. Fittingly, she wears this dress during her conversation with Sansa, where she’s trying to bridge the gap between them. Of course, the dress still has some red in it, because Daenerys is still trying to rule the North in the name of House Targaryen at the end of the day.

But the reds in Daenerys’ dress mean more than just house loyalty. As Culturess points out, red is the “color of passion and love — as well as battle.” Daenerys is currently struggling with all of these things. Not only is Daenerys about to fight a battle against the Night King’s army, but she’s been having an internal fight with herself since last season: the choice between claiming the Iron Throne and aiding Jon Snow in the fight against the White Walkers.

Although Daenerys has obviously made the decision to join Jon’s cause, she alludes to Sansa that she feels manipulated into doing so. It’s clear that it took a lot for Daenerys to give up her lifelong dream of sitting the Iron Throne—even temporarily—and head to Winterfell. She seems to still be wondering whether she’ll regret her decision, especially since it was partly motivated by love.

Her shoulders also resemble men’s armor, though the reference isn’t as obvious as it is with Sansa’s outfit. Going back to Culturess, Daenerys’ attire suggests that she might not be as prepared for war as Sansa, especially when it comes to the “war” between her and the North.