Artist Robert M. Ball has released his Beautiful Death artwork for the second episode of Game of Thrones season 8, “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.” I wondered how Ball would portray death in an episode where no one died, and I was pleasantly surprised. Check it out:

Notice the direwolf of House Stark in the back of the fireplace. Gendry’s hammer strikes an anvil, shooting dragonglass to the bottom of the frame where the hands of the dead are reaching out for the living.

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The chairs around the hearth represent different characters: From left to right we have Tormund’s horn, the lion sigil of House Lannister, the onion sigil of Ser Davos, the flagon of wine Tyrion used to fill everyone’s cups, and a chair with a full cup of wine and a spear leaning against it. What does the spear represent? Grey Worm wasn’t there, and it doesn’t resemble the weapon Gendry made for Arya.
My guess is it represents the spear used to kill Ser Mandon Moore way back in season 2, after the knight of the Kingsguard slashed Tyrion’s face and almost killed him during the Battle of the Blackwater. So it’s Podrick’s. Yeah, let’s go with that.
You can also see Brienne of Tarth, Jaime Lannister, Davos Seaworth, and Tyrion Lannister along the bottom of of the image. I love how Ball captured the looming specter of death being kept at bay by the warm fireside camaraderie.
Next up, HBO has released some concept art from “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.” Below, the white Walkers emerge from the woods near Winterfell.

The art is definitely creepier than what we got onscreen. You can see even more concept art over on HBO’s Making Game of Thrones blog.
Finally, a fun video from Funko Pop! recreates the final scene of the season 7 finale, with ‘lil dollies:
I refuse to be intimidated by Funko White Walkers and wights. I just want to hug them and squeeze them and call them my very own.
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