So, it’s before the walls of Winterfell that the doom of our time will be decided.
Plagiarizing J.R.R. Tolkien seems appropriate, since the Battle of Winterfell and the Battle of Minas Tirith have so many parallels. Unfortunately, we’re guessing the body count at the showdown between the living and the dead on Game of Thrones will be more Infinity War than Return of the King. Buckle up everybody, we’re in for one hell of ride. Let’s watch the teaser trailer one more time!
Although it certainly builds a foreboding mood, the trailer is naturally light on actual details about the episode. Still, there are never not clues in a trailer, and Daenerys’ line about the dead being “already here” has us wondering if maybe the Winterfell crypts aren’t the safe zone everyone said they were last week.

The Game of Thrones team spent more time and effort filming this episode than any before, so hopefully it’ll be worth it. Here’s the fact sheet for the episode, which we’re going to call “The Battle of Winterfell” until HBO tells us otherwise:
- Start Time: April 28, 2019, 9:00 p.m. EST
- TV Info: HBO
- Episode: Season 8, Episode 3, “This Episode Doesn’t Have A Name Either”
- Writer: David Benioff and Dan Weiss
- Director: Miguel Sapochnik
- Run time: 82 Minutes
Fun fact: this is the longest-ever episode of the show.

We’re so worried, you guys. What’s so scary that Arya Stark — who once gouged out a man’s eyes before slitting his throat — looks as terrified as she does at the top of the season 8 trailer? And does Bran’s plan to hang out and wait for the Night King in the Godswood sound like a terrible idea to anyone else? He’ll be in huge danger, as will Theon, who volunteered to protect him.
Speaking of the Night King, we’ve yet to actually see him at Winterfell, leading some to wonder if he’ll even show up. Still, we assume the big popsicle will show up at some point atop Viserion, and our heroes probably aren’t going to like it.
Also, what to make of the below shot of Jon and Dany atop a hill near Winterfell? We’re guessing the duo are holding back the dragons for when they are needed most. Perhaps that’s what the Night King is doing as well?

Ultimately, this seems like the kind of episode best viewed with friends and boxes of tissues on standby. The death total will likely be high. Or maybe the living and the dead will just hug it out? We can hope.
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