We’re in the thick of it now. On a new episode of Take the Black Live, we hit the highlights of “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” and preview the carnage to come in the as-yet untitled “Episode 803.” Watch above!

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Out topics include:
- “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” was mostly about characters hanging out, but some conflicts were pushed forward. Most notably, Dany and Jon have an awkward conversation ahead of them. Unless something happens during the heat of battle…
- Cheryl explains how the show conveys the characters’ internal conflicts through how they’re dressed.
- So next week the living fight the dead. Who are we afraid for? Are the crypts really “safe”? What tricks does the Night King have up her sleeve?
- Just where the hell is Melisandre? When does she show up? Also, we explain why it’s always a good idea to keep the supernatural rules of your fantasy saga vague.
Finally, we talk a little about our anticipation for Avengers: Endgame. God, this weekend is big. All that and I learn what Mpreg is. Click that link and have your eyes opened.
The Take the Black Podcast is on iTunes and Google Play! Please subscribe and download from there if you can. Also, you can help us out by giving us a five-star rating and leaving a friendly comment! We’re also now on Spreaker, so try us there, as well.
If you want to watch us live, we’ll be reacting to Episode 803 directly after it airs this Sunday night, and then previewing the next one on Wednesday, May 1 at 4:00 p.m. CST. It all goes down on our Facebook page. Join the discussion!
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