Jacob Anderson (Grey Worm) discusses the Battle of Winterfell and…”Helmet-gate”


“Grey Worm is a goner”…were my thoughts ahead of “The Long Night.” I know I wasn’t alone in thinking this, and after the most intense 82 minutes of my life, I took a sigh of relief that he managed to survive. Grey Worm and Missandei shared a sweet scene in “The Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” that basically convinced all of us that one or both of them would fall victim to the army of the dead.

In an interview with New York Times, Jacob Anderson reflects on what he made of his character surviving, and tells fans all about…Helmet-gate:

"I might be speaking out of turn, but there was a whole thing about the helmet. I called it Helmet-gate. There are loads of characters where I was like, “Why are you not wearing a helmet? It could really help you right now, in this situation.”"

I’m sure many of us noticed that Grey Worm was seen taking his helmet on and off multiple times during the battle. Was this so we knew it was him versus all the other Unsullied soldiers? Yeah, sort of. However, Anderson had a great idea for how Grey Worm could have kept his helmet on and still be recognized amongst the rest of his warriors:

"I made a suggestion that Grey Worm could have his own insignia on a commander’s helmet. The one difference that Grey Worm has is an insignia of the dragons eating themselves on his neck. The rest of the Unsullied don’t. It’s not the traditional Targaryen symbol. But it was too late in the game to build new helmets."

In hindsight, this would have been a great way for Grey Worm to protect his head while letting the audience know that it’s him. I mean, is it really safe to be taking off your helmet as wights are pouring over you? Probably not.


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The Battle of Winterfell was all sorts of madness, and basically nothing went as planned. After the Dothraki fell like dominoes, Dany changed up the game plan. Some of us were screaming “WTF” as she flew off the hill at the start of the episode, but Anderson has a different perspective:

"She didn’t follow the plan exactly, but plans have to change when their enemy changes. I’m not going to take all the credit here, but if Grey Worm hadn’t had seen that the trenches were not getting lit from the arrows and helped Melisandre get there to light the trenches, then they’d have been in big trouble. Sometimes, you just have to improvise."

So what does Grey Worm and Missandei’s future look like now that they’ve managed to survive the battle?

"Naath’s the mission. That’s what Missandei’s looking for. And he would like to just pack up and go with Missandei somewhere. I want them to be happy and chill out by the beach because they’ve been through a lot."

I’m here for that spinoff.

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