Fashion is Coming: Examining the costumes of “The Long Night”

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Inside the Episode

The Night King’s battle gear

The Night King comes to the Battle of Winterfell prepared, clothed in full armor and carrying both a sword and the ice spears he used to kill Viserion. The Night King’s armor and weapons don’t see the same sort of wear and tear as the other characters’ attire, even after he falls off Viserion. They make their garments hardy in the Lands of Always Winter.

The Night King does get a few scorch marks of his threads what Drogon tries and fails to burn him out of existence, but other than that, the Night King’s armor looks pristine throughout the entirety of “The Long Night,” something that stands out next to muddied and bloodied characters like Jon and Arya. The Night King doesn’t needed to personally fight the living; he’d rather have his zombie horde does it. He’s the kind of dark lord who doesn’t like to get his hands dirty (with the exception of killing his nemesis the Three-Eyed Raven). His untouched clothing reflects that.

Then there’re the Night King’s weapons. Again, with a dragon on this side and the ability to raise the dead, the Night King doesn’t need a sword or ice spears. The odds are in his favor without them, but the Night King doesn’t rely on odds. There’s a reason he almost never loses, and that’s because he plans ahead. His weapons may seem like overkill, but they’re insurance. Someone charges him without wights nearby to protect him? He’s got it covered. Two dragons attack his single dragon? He has it covered.

It’s just too bad he didn’t plan for a fast quiet assassin with a dragonglass dagger and really good timing…