Fashion is Coming: Examining the costumes of “The Long Night”

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Theon’s bow and arrow

Theon’s story arc comes full circle in “The Long Night,” which is reflected in his choice of weapon. While viewers have seen Theon pick up a number of weapons over the course of the series, we first see him with a bow. In fact, he uses a bow to save Bran from wildlings in the very first season. Robb scolded him for being reckless at the time, but no one could accuse Theon of that now.

“Everything you did brought you to where you are now—where you belong—home,” Bran tells Theon. Everything from the dialogue to the weaponry emphasizes the circularity of Theon’s long journey, which ends here in a noble death. But Theon has picked up skills along the way, too. His armor is a testament to the strength he’s regained over the past few seasons spent surviving the machinations of Ramsay Bolton and reconnecting with his families, Stark and Greyjoy both. He’s no longer the battered creature who refused to flee from Ramsay’s prisons, and is fighting through the post-traumatic stress that made him abandon ship after Euron captured his sister. His warrior’s attire pounds that point home.