Fashion is Coming: Examining the costumes of “The Long Night”

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Sansa’s needle necklace

We touched on the meaning behind Sansa’s needle necklace during last week’s costume analysis, but the accessory seems even more significant given the events of “The Long Night.” The necklace appears designed to highlight the contrast between Sansa and Arya, with each of their “Needles” representing their very different types of strength. Arya’s needle is a sword because she embodies physical strength, while Sansa wears her necklace as a representation of her mental perseverance.

And although most of the Battle of Winterfell focuses on physical might, Sansa’s necklace serves as a reminder that those hiding in the crypts need the same mental strength she personifies. From the few scenes we get down there, it’s clear that anxiety is high, which is entirely understandable.

But even with the prospect of the dead overrunning Winterfell, the women and children in the crypt stay strong. And Sansa puts it, “The most heroic thing we can do now is look the truth in the face.” And when that truth is that you very well may die, that’s pretty darn brave.