Screencap Recap: “The Last of the Starks”

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Okay, stop me if you’ve heard this before: “I once brought a honeycomb and a jackass into a brothel…”


“No one likes me.”

“Except for maybe this sweet little dummy.”

“No but seriously, I’d like to burn them all.”

Well, shit.

“Okay, new game: drink if you’re a virgin.”

“Fine, I’m a virgin. I sang to those whores in King’s Landing. Get off my back. I’m drinking.”

“Listen here: we’ve just survived a fight with the army of the dead and I’m looking to replenish my giant’s milk supply. Wanna get freaky, big woman?”

“That’s Ser Big Woman to you, Brendan Fraser in Encino Man.”

“Hey, I heard you’ve got a magical penis.”

“No, I told them I just sang to th…uh, yep. Yep, it’s magical.”

“…and then he called me Brendan Fraser from Encino Man and it really hurt my feelings because I’ve always considered myself a Brendan Fraser in School Ties kind of guy.”

“Get bent, you’re Brendan Fraser from Bedazzled and don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

“Thanks, pal! Now, let’s go have sex with these pretty ladies!

“That’s a hard-pass.”

“How’s the chicken?”

“Why does everyone keep asking me that? Whatever. So how was life with Ramsay Bolton?”

“Awful, but he got what was coming to him.”

“Hounds…I fed him to hounds.”