Screencap Recap: “The Last of the Starks”

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“I always knew people were insects but standing up here really drives it home.”

“Let’s get married, honey.”

“Not yet, guy-liner. Plus, your hands smell like fish.”

“Breaker of Metaphors. LOL, I’m so witty.”

“I’m about to drop some napalm on that bitch.”

“Well, it’s been nice knowing you, Varys. One last cock joke before the shit hits the fan?”

“I truly despise you.”

“Jaime, don’t leave. I love you.”

“I’m hateful like Cersei, I pushed a kid out of a window and he became the Three-Eyed Raven.”

“You did that?”

“Yes, well, I was banging my sister at the time, so…”

“If you hurt Missandei ima bust your bitch-ass head open.”

“I hold all the cards…and best friends, apparently.”

“Don’t look, Grey Worm, this isn’t for your eyes.”

“Any last words?”

“Roast this bitch.”



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